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Anna Workshop - Exo Pole Dance

Hardstyle Exo Routine

  • 25 British pounds
  • Glenburn Street

Service Description

Anna has been pole dancing for over 5 years and specializes primarily in exotic pole. Her signature style is a mix of hardstyle and pop-inspired feminine movements. She absolutely loves kips and knee drops and clacking her heels and she takes every possible chance to jiggle her cheeks and add some twerking moves into her choreos. She’s been a pole instructor for over 2 years and has loads of experience with beginner and intermediate students. She has worked as a teacher at two different studios in her hometown of Tartu, Estonia and has learnt under tons of pole dance legends, such as Sasha Meow, Izabella, Jazzy K, Ilja Med, Alis Burning Heel and so many others. Anna has performed on countless stages for both private parties and huge club events, conventions, music videos and international competitions. Performing is her favourite part of her pole journey, as she feels most alive while on stage. “I absolutely love the thrill of performing. I believe my stage presence is my strongest quality and I try my best to share my tips with others. I just love to be able to become a different personality while on stage and then immediately revert back to my nerdy self once the performance is over lol.” Before starting pole Anna had no physical background and was very inactive, almost to the point of hating sports. But pole quickly became a passion and she found that even without any muscular advantage or flexibility, she could still express herself and could release energy that was so long kept inside her. Doing pole, specifically exotic pole dance, has unleashed a confidence and self-love that teenage her would never have believed to be possible. “Pole is for everyone and my mission is to share this passion with others, so they themselves could also find that fire inside of them”.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please provide 24hrs notice, anything less than 24hrs will result in a loss of your class credit as the space may not be filled.

Contact Details

  • Carnage Fitness Studio, Glenburn Street, Port Glasgow, UK

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